Awards Nomination Form

Please use this form below for TCDLA Hall of Fame, TCDLA Charles D. Butts Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year. TCDLA Percy Foreman Lawyer of the Year, TCDLA Rodney Ellis Award, and TCDLA Rising Star Award nominations and add additional pages as needed. Email the completed Awards Nomination Form to The deadline is 5 pm on February 21st.

The award(s) will be presented at TCDLA’s Rusty Duncan seminar by the current President of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Award(s) are not required to be awarded annually. Criteria for all awards are below and on applications. 

PDF Application            Word Doc Application    


TCDLA Hall of Fame

The TCDLA Hall of Fame Award honors a qualified lawyer for membership in the Hall of Fame who meets the criteria. The investigation of the nominee shall be under the direction of a director from the membership district in which the nominee resides. That director shall submit to the TCDLA Hall of Fame Committee a full investigation report at the committee meeting. The Hall of Fame Committee shall, by unanimous decision, vote to submit a nomination to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors by three-quarters majority by members present and voting at a board meeting may elect a nominee to the Hall of Fame.

The criteria for the award are as follow:

  1. Minimum of thirty (30) years has elapsed since engaging in active practice of law or the candidate is deceased
  2. Substantial commitment to defense of persons accused of crimes on appeal or trial, not to be based solely on won-lost record or publicity, but in court excellence; and
  3. Significant contributions to the profession.
  4. Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline.

TCDLA Charles D. Butts Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year

The Charles Butts Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year Award honors an individual attorney who has provided outstanding pro bono work. The recipient of the award must be a member in good standing of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA) and the State Bar of Texas. The award is named after Charles D. (Charlie) Butts, President of TCDLA (1987–88) and member of TCDLA’s Hall of Fame, in recognition of his over 64 years of service as an attorney.

Definition of Pro Bono

The legal work must have been done for free—though in extremely rare or exceptional cases it may apply to one who gets some money. Court appointments or reduced fees do not qualify.

The criteria for the award are as follow:

  1. Recipient must be a member in good standing of TCDLA and the State Bar of Texas;
  2. Paid court appointments do not qualify except in extremely exceptional cases where the work done far exceeded the pay;
  3. Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline.
  4. This award is not required to be awarded annually.

TCDLA Percy Foreman Lawyer of the Year

The Percy Foreman Lawyer of the Year Award honors the individual attorney who has provided outstanding legal representation. The recipient must be a member in good standing of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA) and the State Bar of Texas. The award is named after Percy Foreman, the renowned Criminal Defense Lawyer, TCDLA Charter Member, and his almost 60 years of service as an attorney.

The criteria for the award are as follow:

  1. Recipient must be a member in good standing of TCDLA and the State Bar of Texas;
  2. Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline.

TCDLA Rodney Ellis Award

The Rodney Ellis Award was named after Rodney Ellis for serving as the voice and/or advocate to TCDLA. The recipient is a non-attorney who has gone above and beyond in demonstrating and supporting TCDLA.

The criteria for the award are as follow:

  1. Recipient must be a non-lawyer;
  2. Exceptional commitment to advocacy; demonstration of specific endeavors related to criminal defense; spreading awareness of TCDLA initiatives and endeavors; having a positive impact on criminal defense attorneys.
  3. Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline.


TCDLA Rising star award

The Rising Star Award gives recognition to a lawyer licensed less than 10 years who has shown outstanding leadership in the past year – either in the representation of citizens accused and/or in his/her contribution to the efforts of TCDLA. The recipient must be a member in good standing of TCDLA and the State Bar of Texas; Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline. This award is not required to be awarded annually.

The criteria for the award are as follow:

  1. Recognition of a lawyer licensed less than 10 years who has shown outstanding leadership in the past year – either in the representation of citizens accused and/or in his/her contribution to the efforts of TCDLA. 
  2. Recipient must be a member in good standing of TCDLA and the State Bar of Texas; 
  3. Nominations for the award must be on the included form and submitted to TCDLA by the deadline. 
  4. This award is not required to be awarded annually.