
06/16/2022 - 05/16/2023



35th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law

The Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association is proud to announce its 34th Annual Rusty Duncan Criminal Law Course. Named for the late Honorable M.P. “Rusty” Duncan III of the Court of Criminal Appeals, this course is designed to cover state law and scholarly topics as well as cases from the past year that impact your practice today. Four breakout tracks will include: Ethics and Money, Drugs, Trial, and Technology. https://www.tcdla.com/TCDLA/Rusty_Website/Rusty.aspx. Please select if you will be in-person or watching the livestream.

TCDLA | 17.75 cle | including 3.00 ethics | See Who is Attending

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35th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law

35th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law
The Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association is proud to announce its 34th Annual Rusty Duncan Criminal Law Course. Named for the late Honorable M.P. “Rusty” Duncan III of the Court of Criminal Appeals, this course is designed to cover state law and scholarly topics as well as cases from the past year that impact your practice today. Four breakout tracks will include: Ethics and Money, Drugs, Trial, and Technology. https://www.tcdla.com/TCDLA/Rusty_Website/Rusty.aspx. Please select if you will be in-person or watching the livestream.
6/16/2022 - 5/16/2023

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