General membership drives gains 350 members. TCDLA members assisted in review of the Penal Code and supported legislative reform of the bail bond system.
The amicus committee formed to recommend action in cases involving issues of major significance to the rights of individuals in criminal cases. TCDLA filed an amicus brief,Williams v. State, involving the admission of an extraneous offense committed by an unknown person. The second amicus was a brief in support of a writ of mandamus to require a Harris County District Judge to order payment of the statutory minimum attorney’s fee.
On July 5, 1972, Anthony Friloux was elected president. Resolutions passed at the annual meeting regarded establishing a 10 percent deposit bail bond system and to urge the Governor to open the special session of the legislature to the consideration of legislation to reduce marijuana penalties. Justice William O’Douglas was the keynote speaker. President Friloux denounced a move to establish local public defender offices in Texas.
Warren Burnett chaired a committee to investigate the abuse of police power. Charles McDonald was found not guilty of the charge of aggravated assault against two DPS agents. McDonald, not the officers, were hospitalized with fractures of three ribs, a perforated eardrum, and numerous contusions. The DPS officers were indicted by a federal grand jury in July 24, 1972 for violating McDonald’s civil rights.
Furman v. Georgia holds the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. Ads from bonding companies are accepted in Voice for the Defense.
