
George Gilkerson becomes the fourth president. Gary De Shazo is hired as executive director. TCDLA has 900 members and membership is one of highest priorities. Directors and officers each have a personal goal of enlisting 12 new members. Skill courses and services are expanded.
Legislative concerns dominate because the constitutional convention considers drastically changing the system of criminal justice. CDLP co-sponsors seminars with State Bar under a federal grant. Courses are offered throughout the state.
The home office encourages those who argue at Court of Criminal Appeals to come by for coffee and refreshments. The office provides transportation to and from the airport and makes reservations for members.
Charlie Tessmer gets not guilty in a 0.15 DWI case and offers criminal trial book for $4.50 each. Criminal law specialization is tentatively approved by the State Bar Board. The State Bar initiates a program to provide legal representation to indigent parolees at revocation hearings for $50 following a ruling by Attorney General John Hill that an attorney should be appointed at revocation hearing. “Participating attorneys will be volunteering most of the time spent on each case,” says the announcement.
TCDLA initiates meetings to discuss local problems and solutions so that state-wide membership association can be utilized to improve local conditions.
The Hall of Fame is established.
The TCDLA logo is designed.
Frank Maloney is awarded a plaque for “act of unification” for suggesting the State Bar Criminal Section should be disbanded if it had no real purpose.
TCDLA has 32 regular and standing committees and co-sponsored or sponsored 30 criminal law institutes throughout state.
Governor Dolph Briscoe names 20 members to Criminal Justice System Advisory Board. None are criminal defense lawyers. Representative Jim Mattox of Dallas introduces legislation to issue summons in lieu of custodial detention.
TCDLA offers a brief bank — a law clerk researches facts of law and prepares a memorandum for the member for the whopping price of $5.00 an hour. TCDLA also obtains information and copies of documents for $2.00 an hour and 10 cents a page.
TCDLA holds its first annual awards banquet. TCDLA has reached 1300 members.
Nixon resigns
