
Weldon Holcomb becomes president. Steve Capelle is executive director.
TCDLA issues a position paper on the Briscoe-Clayton Crime package and denounces public officials seeking reelection using the tactic of scaring citizens with startling examples of criminals going free and calling for new laws to thwart crimes. The package included long-prison terms, denial of bail, increasing prison space, increasing penalties for crimes with guns, introduction of oral confessions, and expanded wiretapping authority.
Each member is encouraged to recruit one new member.
CDLP offers the Texas Juvenile Defense Manual and the Incompetency and Insanity Defense Manual.
CTAI is formed.
Monthly publication of the Voice for the Defense magazine begins.
The brief bank contains a copy of every brief filed by the defense in the CCA.
Executive Director Capelle reports that we either break even or lose money on seminars and publications. Membership dues are main source of income.
