George Luquette becomes president. The travel allowance is $1200 a year.
Legislature passes Art 38.30 which codifies judicial holdings requiring an interpreter for a defendant or witness who doesn’t understand and speak English.
President Luquette testified before the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee. Luquette stated that poor people accused of crimes are not receiving effective legal representation because appointed attorneys are inexperienced and the fee schedule is too low. Richard Andersen said the current system of choosing court appointed attorneys involves political patronage. Judges opposed a State Bar panel recommendation to take the appointments out of the trial judges hands.
Racehorse Haynes tries the Cullen Davis Murder trial.
The second generation — 1978 new members are David Botsford, Charlie Gonzales, Steve Brittain, J. Craig Jett and Bob Hinton.
Bills in the 66th Legislature include:
- HB 100 by Hudson. Relating to various offenses involving the wearing of makes or disguises.
- HB 105 By Hudson, Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
- HB 127 By Green of Harris. Relating to making it an offense to employ an illegal alien.
- SB 21 by Clower. Relating to the establishment of a state program to compensate crime victims.
