
Charles Butts becomes president. Dain Whitworth becomes a part-time lobbyist for TCDLA.
Buck Files writes his first monthly feature column, The Federal Corner, for the Voice for the Defense.
Attorneys are being subpoenaed before grand juries.
The Legislature removed the marital bar to prosecution from the state’s aggravated sexual assault statute.
Battered women’s syndrome explored as a trial defense.
Mike DeGuerrin and Paul Nugent obtain a recommendation for a new trial for Clarence Brandley on death row since 1981.
Charles Butts incoming message to members on June 13, 1987. The “Exclusionary Rule” is reeling on the ropes; the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments are under constant danger of being washed away; the Eighth Amendment is beginning to look a bit pale. This is not to mention “attorney-client privilege” and the time-honored “husband-wife privilege.” How many of us thought just a very few years ago that we lawyers would ever be subpoenaed before any Grand Jury, State or Federal, to testify about “things” concerning our clients—what they told us, what we learned during our representation of them? Are we in danger of being indicted ourselves for some sort of “obstruction of justice” when we advise our clients in some manner distasteful to the prosecution (such as advising someone to stand on their Fifth Amendment rights against “self-incrimination”)? We must take heed. We must NOT say: “Oh, it can’t happen here. This is America; this is Texas!” So, we must exert an even stronger “VOICE FOR THE DEFENSE.” As your new president, I ask for your help; for your advice and counsel; for your cooperation and support. TCDLA is the organization the closest to my heart; the organization that has my all-out dedication this coming year. I pledge this to all of you.
On August 29, 1987, the board at a special membership meeting unanimously decided that policy of TCDLA will be to not accept any “political” or “lawyer” advertising in the Voice.
The first formal budget for TCDLA is adopted. New federal sentencing guidelines go into effect.
On August 29, 1987, TCDLA adopted a resolution to oppose the nomination of Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Gerry Goldstein files a motion to appear as Amicus on behalf of Jack Zimmerman and Jim Lavine when a prosecutor gave notice he might call them as a prosecution witness at the trial they were retained to defend.
Motion to Quash granted.
Congress passes the Anti/Drug Abuse Act with important changes to money laundering statutes.
TCDLA membership remains at 1300.
