
Ron Goranson became president.
During his year of presidency, Kerry Fizgerald retired as editor of the Voice. Goranson oversaw many changes implemented during his presidency. Financial reports began to be included in the Voice so that members could see how money was being spent by officers and a “letters to the editor” section was also added to showcase member opinions. Dick DeGuerin was given the award for Outstanding Criminal Defense Lawyer and in June of 1994, TCDLA honored Robert B. Ardis and his wife Laura for championing the cause of a falsely accused and convicted couple by providing pro-bono services that ultimately discovered governmental misconduct showing innocent people had been charged with the murder of their daughter. TCDLEI and TCDLA began a new building fund drive with the ultimate goal of building or a buying a new home office after the note for the old Austin office on 13th and Nueces was paid off in August of 1994.
