
Gerry Morris becomes president. David Botsford received outstanding Criminal Defense Lawyer of the Year Award
Membership nears 1900.
A TCDLA task force responds to the Ethics Committee Opinion saying it is unethical not to disclose to a person they are being tape recorded even though it is legal under state and federal law.
John Boston resigns as executive director.
As a result of the Kerr case, TCDLA urges its members to take appointment on 11.071 writes. The impact of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996 and Article 11.071 writs are felt. David Botsford notes that as history looks back 1997 and 1998, it will be viewed as one of the darkest in the history of criminal justice in Texas.
Stanley Schnieder is awarded TCDLA Lawyer of the Year.
April 17, 1997, Ricardo Aldape Guerra is released from jail after spending nearly 15 years on death row.
