Strike Force Procedures
Mission Statement: Strike force is here to protect the defense function by assisting attorneys under attack for their role defending the accused.
Purpose: Strike Force is in place to help all criminal defense attorneys who are appropriately representing their clients and who, as a result, find themselves under attack. Examples of circumstances where aid may be provided by Strike Force include threats of contempt of court or other sanctions or threats of sanction which may hinder the criminal defense attorney in fairly representing their client.
1. Bring Strike Force issue to the attention of the Chairs:
Nicole DeBorde
(713) 526-6300 p
(713) 228-0034 f
(832) 541-3612 c
Wm. Reagan Wynn
(817) 336-5600 p
(817) 336-5610 f
(817) 228-8338 c
2. Chairs will determine if it is a potential Strike Force issue.
3. If it is a Strike Force issue, Chairs will communicate with Executive Committee.
4. Chairs will communicate with committee members for plan of action.
5. Strike Force employment contract is required.
Note: Committee members cannot take action without approval from Chairs.